Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power Electrical & Electronics 4th Sem Syllabus For Diploma

Dear students, if you are a student of Polytechnic Second Year Fourth Semester and you want to know what are the units in Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power, then you have reached the right place. In today’s post , we read detail about the Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power Syllabus which is approved by BTEUP and this is the Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power new syllabus .

So let’s start the post and read about Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power detailed syllabus.



1.) Transmission Systems

1.1) Layout of transmission system, selection of voltage for H.T and L.T lines, advantages of high voltage for Transmission both AC and DC.

1.2) Comparison of different system: AC versus DC for power transmission, conductor material and sizes from standard tables.

1.3) Constructional features of transmission lines: Types of supports, types of insulators, Types of conductors, Selection of insulators, conductors, earth wire and their accessories, Transposition of conductors and string efficiency of suspension type insulators, Bundle Conductors.

1.4) Mechanical features of line: Importance of sag, calculation of sag, effects of wind and ice related problems; Indian electricity rules pertaining to clearance.

1.5) Electrical features of line: Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance without derivation in a.c. transmission line, voltage regulation, and concept of corona. Effects of corona and remedial measures.

1.6) Transmission Losses.

1.7) Economic Principle of Transmission, Kelvin’s law modification in Kelvin’s law.

2.) Distribution System

2.1) Lay out of HT and LT distribution system, constructional feature of distribution lines and their erection. LT feeders and service mains; Simple problems on AC radial distribution system, determination of size of conductor.

2.2) Preparation of estimates of HT and LT lines (OH and Cables).

2.3) Constructional features of LT (400 V), HT (II kV) underground cables, advantages and disadvantages of underground system with respect to overhead system.

2.4) Losses in distribution system.

2.5) Faults in underground cables-determine fault location by Blavier Test, Murray Loop Test, Varley Loop Test.

3.) Substations

3.1) Brief idea about substations; out door grid sub-station 220/132 KV, 66/33 KV outdoor substations, pole mounted substations and indoor substation.

3.2) Layout of 33/11 KV & 220/33KV distribution substation and various auxiliaries and equipment associated with it.

4.) Power Factor

4.1) Concept of power factor.

4.2) Reasons and disadvantages of low power factor.

4.3) Methods for improvement of power factor using capacitor banks, Static VAR Compensator (SVC).

5.) Revenue and Energy loss

Technical losses and Commercial losses, Input energy calculation, Sales calculation, Billing efficiency, Collection efficiency, Total energy billed (KWH), Percent aggregated technical and commercial losses.

Note: Students should visit power generations plants, sub-stations etc.


After studying Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power subject, students will able to:

  • Select suitable supporting structure, insulators, conductors and other accessories for transmission lines and distribution lines
  • Prepare layout plan for HT and LT lines/distribution system
  • Prepare estimate for HT and LT (OH and underground cables) lines
  • Operate and maintain indoor and outdoor substations
  • Use various methods for improvement of power factor
  • Assess the revenue and energy loss in power distribution


Since this is a descriptive and practice oriented subject, it is suggested that visits to different types of power generating stations and substations including grid stations be arranged and various equipment, accessories and components explained to the students before the actual class room teaching and make them familiar with the equipment and accessories installed over there. There should be at least 3 visit during the semester. The students may asked to prepare notes while on visit and submit the report and give seminar. In addition, viva-voce be conducted to evaluate the knowledge gained the field visit.


  • Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-term and end-term written tests, model/prototype making.
  • Actual laboratory and practical work, model/prototype making, assembly and disassembly exercises and viva-voce.


  1. Electrical Power System and Analysis by CL Wadhwa, 3rd edition, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
  2. Substation Design and Equipment by Satnam and PV Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi.
  3. Electrical Power –I by SK Sahdev, Uneek Publications, Jalandhar.
  4. Electrical Power System by VK Mehta, S Chand and Co., New Delhi.
  5. Electrical Power System by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi.
  6. Sub-Station Design by Satnam, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi.
  7. Electrical Power Distribution System by AS Pabla, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  8. Electrical Power System by S Channi Singh, Tata McGraw Publishing Co. New Delhi.
  9. e-books/e-tools/relevant software to be used as recommended by AICTE/UBTE/NITTTR, Chandigarh.

Download Transmission And Distribution of Electrical Power Syllabus click here

Download Industrial Electronics and Control Syllabus click here

Download Communication Skills 2 Syllabus click here

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