Energy Conservation Electrical & Electronics 4th Sem Syllabus For Diploma

Dear students, if you are a student of Polytechnic Second Year Fourth Semester and you want to know what are the units in Energy Conservation, then you have reached the right place. In today’s post, we read detail about the Energy Conservation which is approved by BTEUP and this is the Energy Conservation new syllabus.

So let’s start the post and read about Energy Conservation detailed syllabus.



1.) Basics of Energy

1.1) Classification of energy- primary and secondary energy, commercial and non-commercial energy, non-renewable and renewable energy with special reference to solar energy, capacity factor of solar and wind power generators.

1.2) Global fuel reserve

1.3) Energy scenario in India and state of U.P. Sector-wise energy consumption (domestic, industrial, agriculture and other sectors)

1.4) Impact of energy usage on climate.

2.) Energy Conservation and EC Act 2001

2.1) Introduction to energy management, energy conservation, energy efficiency and its need.

2.2) Salient features of Energy Conservation Act 2001 & The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2010 and its importance. Prominent organizations at centre and state level responsible for its implementation.

2.3 Standards and Labeling: Concept of star rating and its importance, Types of product available for star rating.

3.) Electrical Supply System and Motors

3.1) Types of electrical supply system.

3.2) Single line diagram

3.3) Losses in electrical power distribution system

3.4) Understanding Electricity Bill: Transformers Tariff structure, Components of power (kW, kVA and kVAR) and power factor, improvement of power factor, Concept of sanctioned load, maximum demand, contract demand and monthly minimum charges (MMC).

3.5) Transformers: Introduction, Losses in transformer, transformer Loading, Tips for energy savings in transformers.

3.6) Electric Motors
Types of motors, Losses in induction motors Features and characteristics of energy efficient motors, Estimation of motor loading, Variation in efficiency and power factor with loading, Tips for energy savings in motors.

4.) Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities

4.1) Pumps: Introduction to pump and its applications, Efficient pumping system operation, Energy efficiency in agriculture pumps, Tips for energy saving in pumps.

4.2) Compressed Air System: Types of air compressor and its applications, Leakage test, Energy saving opportunities in compressors.

4.3) Energy Conservation in HVAC and Refrigeration System: Introduction, Concept of Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), Energy saving opportunities in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Systems.

5.) Lighting and DG Systems

5.1) Lighting Systems: Basic definitions- Lux, lumen and efficacy, Types of different lamps and their features, Energy efficient practices in lighting.

5.2) DG Systems: Introduction, Energy efficiency opportunities in DG systems, Loading estimation.

6.) Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities

6.1) Thermal Basics: Thermal energy, Energy content in fuels, Energy Units and its conversions in terms of Metric Tonne of Oil Equivalent (MTOE).

6.2) Energy Conservation in boilers and furnaces : Introduction and types of boilers, Energy performance assessment of boilers, Concept of stoichiometric air and excess air for combustion, Energy conservation in boilers and furnaces, Do’s and Don’ts for efficient use of boilers and furnaces.

6.3 Cooling Towers: Basic concept of cooling towers, Tips for energy savings in cooling towers.

6.4 Efficient Steam Utilization

7.) Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

7.1) ECBC and its salient features

7.2) Tips for energy savings in buildings: New Buildings, Existing Buildings

8.) Waste Heat Recovery and Co-Generation

8.1) Concept, classification and benefits of waste heat recovery

8.2) Concept and types of co-generation system

9.) General Energy Saving Tips Energy saving tips in:

9.1) Lighting

9.2) Room Air Conditioner

9.3) Refrigerator

9.4) Water Heater

9.5) Computer

9.6) Fan, Heater, Blower and Washing Machine

9.7) Colour Television

9.8) Water Pump

9.9) Cooking

9.10) Transport

10.) Energy Audit

10.1) Types and methodology

10.2) Energy audit instruments

10.3) Energy auditing reporting format


After studying Energy Conservation subject, students will able to:

  • Define principles and objectives of energy management and energy audit.
  • Understand Energy Conservation Act 2001 and its features.
  • Understand various forms & elements of energy.
  • Identify electrical and thermal utilities. Understand their basic principle of operation and assess performance of various equipments.
  • Identify areas of energy conservation and adopt conservation methods in various systems.
  • Evaluate the techno economic feasibility of the energy conservation technique adopted.


1.) To conduct load survey and power consumption calculations of small building.

2.) To check efficacy of different lamps by measuring power consumption and lumens using lux meter.

3.) To measure energy efficiency ratio (EER) of an air conditioner.

4.) To measure effect of valve throttling and variable frequency drive (VFD) on energy consumption by centrifugal pump.

5.) To measure and calculate energy saving by arresting air leakages in compressor.

6.) To measure the effect of blower speed on energy consumed by it.


− Presentations of Case Studies
− Debate competitions
− Poster competitions
− Industrial visits
− Visual Aids


Teachers are expected to lay considerable stress on understanding the basic concepts in energy conservation, principles and their applications. For this purpose, teachers are expected to give simple problems in the class room so as to develop necessary knowledge for comprehending the basic concepts and principles. As far as possible, the teaching of the subject must be supplemented by demonstrations and practical work in the laboratory. Visits to industries must be carried out. Expert from industry must be invited to deliver talks on energy conservation to students and faculty.


1.) Guide book on General Aspects of Energy Management and Energy Audit by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India. Edition 2015

2.) Guide book on Energy Efficiency in Electrical Utilities, by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India. Edition 2015

3.) Guide book on Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities, by Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India. Edition 2015

4.) Handbook on Energy Audit & Environmental Management by Y P Abbi & Shashank Jain published by TERI. Latest Edition

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