Renewable Sources Of Energy Electrical & Electronics 5th Sem Syllabus For Diploma

Dear students, if you are a student of Polytechnic Third Year Fifth Semester of Electrical & Electronics Engineering and you want to know what are the units in Renewable Sources of Energy, then you have reached the right place. In today’s post, we read detail about the Renewable Sources of Energy which is approved by BTEUP and this is the Renewable Sources of Energy new syllabus.

So let’s start the post and read about Renewable Sources of Energy detailed syllabus. Renewable Sources of Energy subject is Elective subject in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.



11.) Basic of Energy

Classification of Energy-primary and secondary energy, commercial and non-commercial energy, importance of non-conventional energy sources, present scenario, future prospectus, energy scenario in India, sector-wise energy consumption (domestic, industrial, agriculture etc.), comparison between renewable and non-renewable energy resources.

Solar Energy : Principle of conversion of solar radiation into heat, using different types of solar collectors, photo-voltaic cell, electricity generation, application of solar energy like solar water heaters, solar furnaces, solar cookers, solar lighting, solar pumping, installation & maintenance of solar power plant.

2.) Bio-Energy

Bio-mass conversion technologies & their types- wet and dry processes. Methods for obtaining energy from biomass. Power generation by using gasifires.

3.) Wild Energy

Wild energy conversion, windmills, electricity generation from wind- types of wind mills, local control, energy storage.

4.) Geo-thermal and Tidal Energy

Geo-thermal sources, Ocean thermal electric conversion, open and closed cycles, hybrid cycles. Prime movers for geo-thermal energy conversion. Steam Generation and electricity generation. Different types of tidal energy systems.

5.) Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) Power Generation

6.) Fuel Cell

Concept, Types of fuel cells, operating principles of a fuel cell, conversion efficiency, work output and e.m.f of fuel cells, applications.

7.) Hydro Energy

Mini & Micro hydro plants


After studying Renewable Sources of Energy subject, students will able to:

  • Explain the importance of non-conventional energy sources for the present energy scenario.
  • Classify various non-conventional sources of energy
  • Explain principle of solar photovoltaic energy conversion and the applications of solar energy in different fields.
  • Explain basic conversion technologies of biomass, wind energy, geo-thermal, tidal energy, hydro energy and its applications.
  • Explain direct energy conversion systems like magneto hydrodynamics and fuel cells and its applications.


The teacher should make the student s aware about the depletion of energy sources and the availability of alternate sources of energy their feasibility and limitations. The need for adopting non-conventional energy sources should be made clear to students. While explaining the need and energy management, the teacher should give students home assignments bases on energy conservation. The students should be made familiar with the energy efficient devices, various approaches to conserve energy, energy auditing procedure etc. Teacher must give practical application of these energy sources in nearby surrounding areas.


− Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-term and end-term written tests, model/prototype
−Actual laboratory and practical work, model/prototype making, assembly and disassembly exercises and viva-voce


  1. Non-Conventional Energy Resources by RK Singal; SKKataria and Sons, New Delhi
  2. Solar Energy Utilization; GD Rai; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
  3. Reviews of Renewable Energy Sources, Vol. 3, Edited by MS Sodha, S.S. Mathur, MAS Malik, TC Kandpal ; Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi.
  4. Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technology by NK Bansal, Manfred Kleemann, Michael Meliss; Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd New Delhi.
  5. Energy Today and Tomorrow; MaheshwarDayal; Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  6. Energy Technology (Non-Conventional, Renewable and Conventional) by S Rao and BB Parulekar; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
  7. E-books/e-tools/relevant software to be used as recommended by AICTE/UBTE/NITTTR.

Download Renewable Sources of Energy Syllabus click here

Download Microprocessors And Peripheral Devices Syllabus click here

Download Energy Conservation Syllabus click here

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